So, with some reservation, I delved back into the world of online dating. *Sigh*
Now I have been on and off dating sites for about a decade now. At different times in life I would sign up to sites or return to previous sites and see what's out there ... most times just to see if anything has changed -- and usually finding out it hasn't.
Still, after yet another failed attempt to date the "normal" way, I return to a previously-used dating site to try once again.
Now I have been told in the real world that I need to stop being so picky and step outside my comfort zone and give men a chance ... even if they don't fit the mold of who I'd normally date.
I've tried this before, only to regret it, but I do my best to give everyone a fair shot (until they prove unworthy). Sometimes I will date outside of preferred age range, date men in professions I would normally steer away from, or date men in situations I would normally not.
This happens a lot on these online dating sites. They usually pair you up with people they consider ideal matches ... and usually they're way off from who you would chose in the real world, but I decided to check the "matches" out anyway -- ignoring my first impression (something I normally don't do).
During my browsing one day, I came across this one guy who wasn't my "type" but was a supposed match and I clicked on his profile to read it.
He wasn't my type because he was a lot more fair-skinned (or light-skinned) that I'm usually attracted to, and shorter than I'd normally like ... but if the site said we may have some things in common, why not give it a shot right?
I threw caution to the wind and messaged him.
He didn't say much on his profile but did mention that he was a big fan of R&B and Hip Hop music (as am I). He also said that if you had any questions about him, ask away.
A lot of guys on these sites complain about getting the standard "Hi" or for women to look but not speak, so I figured I'd break the ice and ask him something.
So I messaged him: "Who's your favorite rapper of all time?"
I work in the industry (indie) and I'm sort of a music snob. I know it's wrong but I judge people by their musical tastes lol. Not in a bad way, but what you listen to says a lot about you ... so if you tell me you're an avid hip hop fan and you can't even identify hip hop legends' biggest hits -- I will be giving you the sideeye.
Now this guy was in his 30s and looked so put-together and preppy, so I was eager to find out who he would choose so I could learn a little about him via that choice.
A day or so later I got a reply:
Wait -- Huh? WTH?
I paused for a minute thinking "Well you asked me to ask you what I wanted to know. This was an icebreaker. What's with the 'tude?"
Before I could send back a reply, he sent another message, finally answering my question: "Tupac"
But by then I was already over it ... and him.
Like seriously, how dare you get flip at me? Maybe I should've just said "HI" like everyone else?
Or maybe I should've just went with my first mind and not even contacted someone who wasn't my type.
Catch 22 ... Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Tupac though?
Now that's typical.
I've tried this before, only to regret it, but I do my best to give everyone a fair shot (until they prove unworthy). Sometimes I will date outside of preferred age range, date men in professions I would normally steer away from, or date men in situations I would normally not.
This happens a lot on these online dating sites. They usually pair you up with people they consider ideal matches ... and usually they're way off from who you would chose in the real world, but I decided to check the "matches" out anyway -- ignoring my first impression (something I normally don't do).
During my browsing one day, I came across this one guy who wasn't my "type" but was a supposed match and I clicked on his profile to read it.
He wasn't my type because he was a lot more fair-skinned (or light-skinned) that I'm usually attracted to, and shorter than I'd normally like ... but if the site said we may have some things in common, why not give it a shot right?
I threw caution to the wind and messaged him.
He didn't say much on his profile but did mention that he was a big fan of R&B and Hip Hop music (as am I). He also said that if you had any questions about him, ask away.
A lot of guys on these sites complain about getting the standard "Hi" or for women to look but not speak, so I figured I'd break the ice and ask him something.
So I messaged him: "Who's your favorite rapper of all time?"
I work in the industry (indie) and I'm sort of a music snob. I know it's wrong but I judge people by their musical tastes lol. Not in a bad way, but what you listen to says a lot about you ... so if you tell me you're an avid hip hop fan and you can't even identify hip hop legends' biggest hits -- I will be giving you the sideeye.
Now this guy was in his 30s and looked so put-together and preppy, so I was eager to find out who he would choose so I could learn a little about him via that choice.
A day or so later I got a reply:
Him: "Seriously?"
Me: (confused by the reply) "Yeah"
Him: "Typical"
Wait -- Huh? WTH?
I paused for a minute thinking "Well you asked me to ask you what I wanted to know. This was an icebreaker. What's with the 'tude?"
Before I could send back a reply, he sent another message, finally answering my question: "Tupac"
But by then I was already over it ... and him.
Like seriously, how dare you get flip at me? Maybe I should've just said "HI" like everyone else?
Or maybe I should've just went with my first mind and not even contacted someone who wasn't my type.
Catch 22 ... Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Tupac though?
Now that's typical.
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