Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Interracial Divide

I was asked (yet again) today if I dated White men.  I don’t know why people, who aren’t White, ask me that … but it seems to be a general question when the subject of dating comes up with anyone trying to figure out why I’m single.

I remember a while (probably some years) ago, my mom and I were talking about my dating situation.  She’d finally stopped asking if there was a man in my life after I’d shared some of my dating horror stories.
On this particular day she   was expressing that maybe I should start dating outside the box – older men, non-professionals, etc … and then she hit me with “You ever thought about dating a White man?”. 

Of course I have, but it’s just a strange suggestion coming from someone is clearly “old-school” (born in the 40s) and often has many crude things to say about Whites … but I guess when it comes to trying to get your 30-something-and-still-single daughter down the aisle – the rules of racial loyalty no longer apply.

I have never said I wouldn’t date outside my race.  I went to private and magnet schools and had far more non-Black boys in my class, pretty much all the way up to high school … but my preference has always been my brown-skinned brothers. 

Of course I had crushes – like the cute blue-eyed Nick in elementary school and the dark-haired, muscular Tom in middle school … and even now, if Channing Tatum or David Beckham (yes, I know they’re married) gave me a second glance, I’d at least cop a feel lol.  But in the greater scheme of things – I want what I want … I prefer brothas.  That probably has to do with the fact that I have yet to meet a non-Black man I connect with.    

I went out on a few dates with an Italian guy who cooked me authentic cuisine on our 2nd date … but the weird part was that he was trying so hard to prove his ethnicity (and by that I mean his being “down” with Black people) that I couldn’t get to know HIM.  I think it was that textbook I-grew-up-around-Blacks-so-that’s-what-I-know syndrome, but it was such a turn-off so I had to let him go.

Another military guy, who was Puerto-Rican, and I had a few dates as well but it was more physical than anything.  I don’t think we had much in common beyond that.  

There have also been (on the many dating sites I’ve frequented) a plethora of non-Black men (mostly older … like WAY older) who’s attention I caught.  Most times, after he confirmed that I was okay with dating a non-Black man, we conversed and often times he made that kiss-of-death statement “I’ve always wanted to date a Black woman”.   (Sigh)

Now there are some who ONLY date Black women and others who have no preference and are open … but when I hear “I’ve always wanted to …” or “I’ve always been curious” or some other inference to the desire to test the taboo waters.  Then I immediately start feeling like some plantation fantasy and am turned off. 

I don’t want to be some novelty or social experiment in an interracial fantasy.  Some say Black women have programmed DNA from our ancestral slaves to be loyal to the Black man and fear the White man.  I don’t know if that’s the case. 

I don’t favor every Black man, just the ones I’m attracted to – and the same goes for non-Black men.  I like what I like.  But I will say that I’m more picky when a man is not Black, because of all that comes with it --- respecting not only differences in personality but differences in culture and being able to face (together) what society may throw at us (and even our future kids). 

I want a man like my father – a strong Black man.  But if I find someone I’m attracted to, who is a man of faith and strong in worth ethic, personality and supports and cares for me … I don’t care what his ethnic background is …

I also think part of the reason I haven’t dated many non-Black men may be my location.  I’m along the Bible Belt and a state within the “Old” South.  Most Black men date all races, but White men and Black women – not so much.  Where I am it’s much more common to see a non-Black Woman and Black Man than the reverse combination.  It’s still sort of taboo in some areas but not uncommon to see.  

I’ve never been approached, in person, by a White guy ever.  Yes, a drunken cat-call on Bourbon Street during a visit to New Orleans, but not a real deal “What’s up, I’m interested in you” approach.  

The ones that were interested were online connections.  I don’t know why but I don’t think it’s as easy for a White guy to approach a Black woman as it is for a White woman to approach a Black man (or vice versa).  I don’t know why that is – fear, intimidation or lack of interest. 

Overall, I think a combination of my location and societal norms are the reason I haven’t done much dating on the other side of the tracks.   I shared some of this with my mother back then and that still rings true. 

I even was tickled when a White (male) friend of mine asked me if Black women are as “crazy” as White women (because he was thinking of dating a sista) and I really couldn’t answer that because I hate feeding into stereotypes (like the “bitter black woman” syndrome that some Black men blame for them choosing to date interracially).

Like I said, I consider myself pretty open to anyone … I don’t discriminate but I am picky.  I just want to find someone who treats me well, and I prefer that he initiate things … I’m old school like that.  Blame my Daddy (lol).  

Hopefully a change in one of my barriers will spark some “Something New” and expand my dating pool.  I’m moving to NYC soon and hope to change that.  I know I’ll be a novelty there as well (being Southern), but hopefully men are more forward, more genuine and more interested in a real connection that satisfying a fantasy.   Then maybe I won’t have to answer that question anymore and the interracial divide will be no more. 


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