Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two Little Words ....

I'd just posted on Facebook the other day that there are two little words that will shut a brother down QUICK in this dating game -- I'M CELIBATE.

For MOST men, those two words will initiate a defense mechanism that will cause them to eliminate themselves from any further dating pursuits.   A small number of men will see it as a green-light challenge to be the first man to make you break that vow.

I have so many stories of both instances ... the flight from and the fight to break my chastity.   Each and every time it renews my vow to lock it up until someone decides I'm worth locking down.

The latest came via text message.

A homeboy tells his homeboy was checking me out on a social network and asked for my number.  I approve the exchange and the guy texts me ...

Him: So what's up can we chill tonight? 
Me: I don't even know you ... 
Him: Well that's how we get to know each other. 
Me: Ok, but just a word of caution, I'm abstinent
Him: Oh. Ok ... 
Him: So wait, you don't do ANY kind of sexual activities?
Me: Nope, unless you count kissing ... 

*texts cease and desist* 

LOL ... and another one bites the dust :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Me ... Prude??

Soooo my morning begins with a (5:12 am) text from a guy I've been holding (mostly text) conversations with for about two weeks now.  

We met on a social network but had a happenstance meeting at a local event.  He was attractive and intelligent and though he seemed to not be on the same level (as far as relationships) and had a problem with my abstaining from sex, we both agreed to be open and see how things goes.   

Now -- He's a little judgmental, a bit of a drinker, an avid weed smoker, gambler, a bit touchy-feely and is actively sexing two women -- but agreed to respect me and my decision to do none of those things.   Finally thought after a few bumps in communication we'd finally leveled off.  

Then this morning I get a text that says: 

"You're a cool gal, u just might be a tad bit of a prude. I don't think that works for me."

This came just a few hours after I rejected his invitation to "come by" (at nearly 1 am).   Now, I may be abstinent, but I'm not naive ... C'mon son.   I'm not just "coming by" after midnight.   But aside from that, I'm not going to someone's house that I've only been around once and barely know ... in the middle of the night!   Mama didn't raise no fool!

I have a rule.  I don't visit or allow visitors after 10 pm (the only exception EVER made was for men who worked swing shift, 2-11).    This is not the case with him.  He gets off well before the sun sets and has made no attempt to visit or hang out in private or public.   I'd even asked him for this indecent proposal about when our first date would be and I was told that he'd let me know.   So I have to wait for a date but I can make late-night visits and it should be okay?  No sir.  Not ya girl.  

Those that REALLY know me, know that I'm FAR from prude. But seriously, is that what men think now? A woman being careful and selective is equal to being prudish?  When did having standards become a detriment to dating?

SMH.  Needless to say when I asked him to elaborate on his labeling me prude, he didn't have an immediate response.   If/when he does, I'll let you know.   

Intro ...

I've been wanting to do this for a long time.   To have somewhere to document my experiences in this crazy dating world.  Some five years single now and over the age of 30, I have a LOT of stories to tell ... And with all that I've been through, I could be a very bitter woman, but I still (somewhere deeeeeep inside) believe there is someone out there for me --- waiting for us to cross paths.   Until that happens though, I plan to share all that I'm going through along the way.   Thanks in advance for reading.  And to those that may be subjects of these posts --- I apologize in advance, but will do my best to protect your "honor" :)